The full program can be found here.
Target audience
All PhD researchers in the field of social work and social sciences can enroll for this doctoral school. Participation on the morning sessions is free of charge and accessible to everyone interested!
As social work as an academic discipline is normative, researchers need to make this normativity transparent. This implies that different areas of choice in research are critically analysed and choices are made explicit. These different areas of choice refer to the following questions: (1) what is the position of the researcher; (2) what is the definition of the problem and who has the power to define it; (3) what are the methods to be used and how are they to be used; and (4) how are the results interpreted, represented and disseminated? In this course we examine and discuss (some of) these key choices, discussing the considerations of PhD researchers in making sounds choices during the research process.
Objectives and learning outcomes
The choices made by social work researchers, although they can seem to be very obvious ones, often remain implicit during the different research processes. This weakens social work as an academic discipline as its profile remains unclear in relation to adjacent disciplines such as sociology, psychology and educational sciences. The aim of the course is to train researchers to develop their social work research as a practice of transparency in order to strengthen the identity of their work. This refers to the reflexive capacity of researchers in which they need to learn to make their perspective on research and their research topic and the choices they often make implicitly, explicit and bring these into the public debate.
Organising committee
Prof. dr. Rudi Roose (Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, Ghent University and chair of TiSSA)
Prof. dr. Griet Roets (Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, Ghent University)
Prof. dr. Koen Hermans ( LUCAS - Centre for Care Research and Consultancy - Leuven University)
Prof. dr. Wim Van Lancker ( Centre for Sociological Research - Leuven University)
Dries Cautreels (Secretary of TiSSA)